Supervision & Case Consultation
Anna Lutz, Sara Gonet, and Billie Karel offer in person and virtual clinical supervision and case consultation for Registered Dietitians and other health and mental health professionals, seeking support in their clinical work and businesses. These consultations can be scheduled on a regular or as needed basis, depending on your needs.
Anna Lutz and Sara Gonet are Certified Eating Disorders Specialists (CEDS) and iaedp Approved Supervisors, for those working towards being a Certified Eating Disorders Specialist through iaedp. They offer case consultation for Registered Dietitians and other clinicians seeking support and advanced skills in eating disorder treatment and weight inclusive care.
Billie Karel is a Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (formerly Certified Diabetes Educator) and provides case consultation for weight inclusive management of diabetes and related health issues. Billie has a wealth of knowledge and unique clinical experience and can support you in advancing your skills in weight inclusive diabetes care.
They all offer a free 15 minute phone/video call, if you are interested in discussing these services and seeing if they may be a good fit for you and your work.
Looking for a training or group consultation? Contact us for more information!